Work Permit Canada

Work permit Canada

Work permit Canada
Work permit Canada

Work Permit- is an official Canada immigration paper document, which allows individual work legally in Canada. Work permit has issue date and expiration date. This document applicant can get on the border to Canada, as soon as future worker arrive to the airport or drive by car from USA. As usual, first of all applicant must get Visitor Visa with category : Worker in case, if the person applies overseas for direct work permit. There are different types of work permit:

1)Post-Graduate Work Permit. This type of work authorization is dedicated to international students, who successfully graduated from public or private degree granting school without long gaps during the education in Canada. This document can be obtained online and inside Canada without leaving country. Duration of such work permit depends on previous education program. For example, in case student graduated from 2 year academic program, applicant can rely on 2-3 years work permit. As for the 4 years academic program completion, fresh graduate still will get 3 years post-graduate work permit. Minimum duration of this work permit is 1 year , which is connected to 1 year academic program, and maximum duration of work permit is 3 years, in case of 2 years + academic program. Be aware, that post-graduate work permit students can get only 1 time per life. Please be careful with choosing proper academic program school with eligible post-graduate programs: all public schools and private degree granting schools.

2)Spouse Open Work Permit. Spouse of international student in Canada, who is in a good standing and enrolled on a full time academic program, which is more than 6 weeks can be eligible of getting spouse work permit to Canada. In order to prepare the application package, spouse should provide proper Embassy Application, current letter of enrollment of the international student, copy of study permit and visa, financial support documents, digital photo, etc. Be aware that work permit will be valid for same duration as study permit and 2nd spouse, who is studying in Canada at this moment. Also, there is another scenario, when spouse open work permit can be obtained. In case, if international student successfully graduated from college or university and got Post-graduate work permit and found Job in NOC 0,A or B classification, spouse can get open work permit for same duration as post-graduate work permit of international student. This type of work permit help to reunion the family and support each other during the study and/or work in Canada. Also, it raises chances dramatically for immigration in case of both spouses have work experience in Canada and education as well.

Work permit Canada
Work permit Canada

3)Lmia Work Permit. Lmia- is a labour market impact assessment , which is provided by ESDC( Employment Social Development Canada), government body, which regulates employment in Canada. ESDC provides opinion to potential employer, who would like hire international worker instead of local Canadian. In case of positive Lmia assessment, ESDC issues positive opinion and employer becomes eligible and have right to hire international worker from outside of Canada for his own business needs. After getting such approval, employer will issue Employment letter to potential employee and last one can apply for LMIA work permit and attach Lmia assessment with positive decision and other supporting documents. In most cases, international employee will get employer- specific work permit, which allows him to work next 1-2 years only for mentioned in work permit document employer, who initially got LMIA positive assessment. After working at least 1 year for this employer, employee may apply for specific immigration program and become permanent resident of Canada. There are different types of LMIA: low-wage, high wage, support of express entry profile. Also, there are different purpose of LMIA: temporary work permit, permanent residency application and dual intent. It has to be mentioned, that there are some categories of positions, who are exempt from LMIA and such kind of people do not need LMIA and work permit in order to do some professional activity in Canada.

4) Intra-company/Expat Work Permit. People, who are working in international and global companies with location in different countries may get work permit in case of relocation from office in one country to the same company , however to office in Canada. There are some requirements to the company in Canada and overseas company in order to be eligible for such kind of work permit. Also, such employee will get employer-specific work permit and can work only for this company in Canada. Such kind of work permit and practice is used mostly for key persons employee and dedicated for developing or training the Canadian office for better and more successful operation. In most cases, expat employees prefer to work for 1-2 years in Canadian office and apply for permanent residency application. As soon as they become Canadian permanent residents, they are free to choose any employer in Canada or even open their own business.

5)North America Free Trade Agreement Work permit. Under this agreement, citizens of USA and Mexico may be exempt from LMIA and come to Canada with work permit for their business and professional activities in Canada. It should ne mentioned, that there are some categories under this agreement , who even exempt of having work permit during their professional stay in Canada. Main requirements for potential employee from Mexico or USA is to have pre-arranged employment in Canada, required employer information, proof of minimum education qualification for future job in Canada. It is interesting to know, that some people even can come on Visitor Visa to Canada from Mexico and USA, find employer and apply for work permit inside Canada and get proper documents for the employment. It also helps people to get final immigration to Canada without study in Canada and being eligible for some other immigration requirements. However, it works only for Mexico and USA citizens.

Work permit Canada
Work permit Canada

6)International Experience Canada Work Permit. International Experience Canada is a government youth mobility program, which is dedicated to International young people exchange between recognized countries. This program has 3 different types: Working Holiday, Young professionals and International Co-op program. Young people can choose program, which is fil to their current career and professional needs. For example, Working Holiday programs allows to get open work permit in Canada and come and find employer already in the country. As for the International Co-op program allow students to participate in co-op study program in order to get theoretical and practical experience in particular industry. Young professional is dedicated to specific and narrow work placement and job offer in Canada for potential application. Obviously, it is applicant responsibility to find a proper job offer or school for last 2 programs. Some countries are allowed to participate 2 times in the program, as long as their applicants and citizens are eligible for other criteria like age, proof of funds, insurance, etc.


How to Find Job in Canada.

  • Popular Online Platforms. It is recommended to use most famous among local Canadians websites of finding Job in Canada, such as: Indeed, Workopolis, Job Bank, Monster, Career Builder, Glassdoor,etc. On mentioned websites, you can make search and identify most popular positions and job offers, which may be suitable for yourself.
  • Corporate Websites. Some companies have their own career portal, which allows you to check available positions and submit your resume and cover letter. Sometimes it may be more useful mean of finding job, regarding the feedback from the company. As in most cases, companies try to find employee from internal and inside company resources, portals and website. The idea, that potential employee, who submitted application through internal portal is at least visited company website and aware about their company.
  • Friends, Relatives, Co-workers. Canadian Employers during the employment procedure also take into account connections and referrals of current or previous reliable employees of their company. It means if you have friends or relatives in Canada, who can provide to employer guarantee of your true and honest attitude to work together with your professionalism can help you to get job offer and potential full time employment.
  • Career Fair. Career Fairs is very useful tool and mean not only to talk with potential employer about specific position, however to pass pre-interview,get some inside information about company and industry as well. Also, it is a good training for your skill of passing interview as during the career fair you will be able to pass 20-60 small interviews in 1-2 Also, such kind of fairs provides you a lot of contacts and connections not only for current, however for future career path or level up in particular industry. Also, to have meetings with potential colleagues is also a good opportunity to share the experience and expertise of how to find a good job offer in Canada. Information about career fairs, if you are student you can find in career service department of your school or in case if you are not a student, you have to check in special provincial communities or corporate websites of some companies.
  • Employment Agencies. Employment agencies may help you to find a job and raise your chances in recruitment, however be aware that it is illegal in Canada charge people for employment placements and guarantees any job offer for a fee from the employee or client. Traditionally, such employment agencies must have provincial employment license and get commission from employer in case you like potential employee will be a good match for employer and company has direct commission agreement with this employer. In fact, some companies charge money for assistance and help with writing resume, prepare yourself for interview, application submission, etc. Please be very attentive and careful, when using such type of tool in finding employer in Canada, especially when you are overseas.

Salaries in Canada.

First of all, it should be mentioned, that most jobs in Canada are well paid, which allows Canada to maintain high quality living standards for their citizens and temporary residents and have rather massive middle class in the country. Each province has their minimum wage, which each employer must take into account, when hiring some employees for their company. Also, there are different types of employment in Canada: full time, part time, permanent, temporary, commission based, contract, etc. Depending on type of province, employees get different compensation. Average salary, that people get on a full time basis is around $40,000-$60,000 CAD per year. It is around $20-$30 CAD per hour, however be aware that it is before taxes, that employee has to pay on a monthly basis, which us around 18%. It has to be mentioned, that this tax includes EI (employment insurance), which guarantees around 70% of your salary per month paying to you in case you will be fired or loose job for some reason. Such insurance is valid 1st year after your last date of employment and in case of at least 6 month of your previous employment duration.

Create Good Resume & Cover Letter.

Even before you get your work permit in Canada, it will make sense to create good looking and stunning resume with informative and catchy cover letter. Please include your professional business photo, main professional skills and strong sides of your character, work experience with duties, company name, position and duration of employment, education history, hobbies, language proficiency, references, etc.. As for the cover letter, it would ne great to have it no more than one A4 format page and do not include same information that contains your resume. Employer will take a look both documents and included cover letter show that you have serious attitude to potential job opportunity. Before writing a cover letter, it is highly recommended to check what company is about, what kind of position are available, write down how you can bring benefit and potential profit to the company.


Our company can assist with any types of work permit and support you on each step of your immigration and offer immigration path for your friends and family member. Welcome to Canada!


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