Study Master in Engineering in Canada

Study Master in Engineering in Canada

Study Master in Engineering in Canada
Study Master in Engineering in Canada

Study Master in Engineering in Canada

Canada has a well-developed engineering industry and this fact helps graduates to find a good job in the field comparatively easily. That is why many international students choose to study Master in Engineering in Canada. If you only start your research of the Canadian schools, please consider the following information about various study programs for a Master`s in Engineering in Canada.

Overview of the Master in Engineering Programs

You can earn a Master in Engineering degree after pursuing 1-2 years of engineering science study course. Several top-ranking Canadian universities, such as the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, McMaster University, and the University of Alberta offer Master in Engineering degrees for international students. More affordable schools to study Master in Engineering in Canada are the University of Northern British Columbia, University of Saskatchewan, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and Simon Fraser University.

If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada, you can choose specializations like Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Management, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering. It can be useful to know more about each specialization to make the right decision.

As a rule, Master in Mechanical Engineering is a 1-2 year-long study program. If you decide to study Master in Engineering in Canada and choose this specialization, you have two options to earn the degree. You can complete a research-intensive Master in Science (MS) / Master in Applied Science (MASc) degree or a course-based Master in Engineering study program.

Master in Civil Engineering study program is the most relevant for recent graduates of Civil Engineering. Universities that offer the study Master in Engineering in Canada in this specialization have two types of degrees. These are Master of Applied Sciences (MASc) in Civil Engineering and Master of Engineering (MEng) in Civil Engineering. It is worth mentioning, that Canada is one of the countries with the highest salaries for civil engineers. The graduates can work under a licensed engineer until they get a license to practice. Moreover, civil engineering is expected to be one of the top employment markets in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.

The next specialization, Master in Computer Engineering, is designed for applicants interested in a comprehensive study of Computer Science. Depending on the university, Computer Engineering can be studied as a full-time, part-time, distance, or online study program. By the way, if you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada, you can combine Computer Engineering with Electrical Engineering.

If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada in the specialization Master in Software Engineering, you can earn a Master of Applied Science (MASc) or Master in Engineering (MEng) degree. To earn the degree, the students need to complete the relevant internship in the final year of study.

Master in Biomedical Engineering can be earned as a Master in Engineering (MEng) or Master of Applied Science (MASc) degree. International students who have a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Medicine, or one of the fields of Physical or Biological Sciences can apply for this study program. If you are going to study Master in Engineering in Canada and you want to earn MASc in Biomedical Engineering, you should complete a 2-year study program. If you want to get a Master in Engineering degree, you should study for 1-2 years.

Study Master in Engineering in Canada
Study Master in Engineering in Canada

If you want to pursue a Master in Engineering in Canada and specialize in Management, you can choose the 1.5-2.5 years Master in Engineering Management (MEM) program. This study program can help develop industrial engineering skills and strategies. Moreover, Master in Engineering Management is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program that allows international students to immigrate to Canada by adding points to their permanent residence visa application.

If you are interested in spacecraft development, you can choose to study Master in Aerospace Engineering. International applicants need to have a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, Engineering, Science or Mathematics. If you are going to study Master in Engineering in Canada in this specialization, you should know that a full-time program lasts 2-3 years while a part-time program can take up to 6 years of study.

The duration of the Master in Chemical Engineering program depends on the type of degree and the chosen university. If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada in this specialization, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or other related fields. After the study, you can earn a Master in Engineering (MEng), Master in Engineering Science (MES), Master in Science (MS) or Master of Applied Science (MASc) degree. This study program does not require submitting a thesis, but it depends on the requirements of the Canadian schools. However, you should complete an internship or further research work during the study.

Master in Environmental Engineering is offered as a Master of Engineering (MEng) or Master of Applied Science (MASc) program. If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada, you can choose a course in Environmental Engineering or specialization in Civil or Chemical Engineering.

The last specialization is Master in Industrial Engineering, where you can earn a Master in Engineering (MEng) or Master of Science(MS) degree. During the study, students understand how to deal with the integration of people, systems, materials, information, and processes with the tools to succeed in the engineering industry.

Tuition Fees

If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada, the tuition fees can range from 9,000 CAD to 62,000 CAD a year depending upon the chosen degree type and university. Nevertheless, you should know the average tuition fees for each engineering specialization.

The study of Mechanical Engineering can cost from 12,000 CAD to 41,000 CAD per year. The specialization in Civil Engineering can cost from 20,000 CAD to 30,000 CAD per year. International students can pay from 9,000 CAD to 50,000 CAD per year for a Computer Engineering study program. Software Engineering programs can cost from 13,000 CAD to 39,000 CAD per year. If you want to study Biomedical Engineering, you should be ready to pay from 18,000 CAD to 59,000 CAD per year.

If you are interested in Engineering Management, you need to pay from 14,000 CAD to 38,500 CAD per year. The Aerospace Engineering study program can cost from 15,000 CAD to 47,000 CAD per year. Chemical Engineering program costs from 11,000 CAD to 62,000 CAD per year. If you want to pursue a study in Environmental Engineering, you should pay from 11,000 CAD to 29,000 CAD per year. The study of Industrial Engineering can cost near 15,000 CAD to 40,000 CAD per year.

Study Master in Engineering in Canada
Study Master in Engineering in Canada

Admission Requirements

If you want to study Master in Engineering in Canada, you should be ready to meet all admission requirements. If you want to get admitted to one of the Canadian schools, you ought to submit a four-year bachelor’s degree in Engineering, GRE score, English language proficiency test scores (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, or other).

Moreover, you need to submit additional documents with your applications, such as academic transcripts, CV/resume, Letter of Recommendations, Statement of Purpose to study in Canada. However, you should check what documents you need to submit since the admission requirements can differ in Canadian schools.

Perspectives of the Future Employment

Canada has headquarters of the world-known corporations, such as Microsoft, Cisco, Deloitte, EY, to name a few, that often offer vacancies for engineering graduates. Consequently, you can find a job right after graduation. After the study Master in Engineering in Canada, you should be ready to get the average salary in the industry. As a rule, the salary can range from 50,000 CAD to 90,000 CAD. But you can get a promotion depending on your performance and professionalism. The median salaries in the engineering sector are as follows: an intern can earn 34,000 CAD per year, an entry-level engineer can earn 49,000 CAD per year, a junior manager can earn 61,000 CAD, a manager can earn 86,000 CAD per year, a senior manager can earn 92,000 CAD per year, and CTO (Chief Technology Officer) can earn 137,000 CAD per year.


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