Canadian International Immigration  Education Video Guide, which was created by Canadian and UK Immigration Lawyers, with aim to help students, visitors, temporary and permanent residents and any other interested parties to get direct information from Official Immigration Website and become familiar with most immigration applications and tools for particular country. By getting access to specific education video guide, client can get experience and understanding how to process immigration application and use some official immigration website tools with aim to process their own immigration application in future with confidence and obtained experience. Indeed, it helps to understand how Official Immigration Websites work and raises chances to avoid mistakes during the submission of your own application though official immigration system. All Video Guides were created only for education purposes and do not influence any immigration decision. Moreover, all information were used just for presentation purposes and future applicant must use only their own true and correct information during their future immigration application through official immigration website of Canada, UK or Australia. It should be mentioned, that has 3 types of access ( 4,8 and 12 month), depending how long do you need access to the education video guides and when will you apply for your own immigration application to particular country. In most cases, future application will need access to 3-5 videos with aim to process his current application and around 10-15 videos for all next application, depending on their immigration status in country and future immigration plans. However, some clients prefer to process some immigration applications for their parents, friends and may need around 20-25 topics in near future.



Why ?

It is alternative option for people, who prefers to control and process their immigration application and status in particular country, however need some confidence and guidance, before they will process their immigration case. In some cases, people prefer use Immigration and Visa companies in their own country or already in destination countries, when sometimes the whole process may not be cheap and rather safety. By using Smartimmigrant, clients can see and educate themselves how to process most immigration applications by themselves and control and get all updates directly from Local Immigration Department. Also, it should be mentioned, that access fees to the education video guides are the cheapest in the industry, comparing with local immigration and visa companies all over the world.


Is it safe to use ?

Yes, as the platform does not ask any personal information from the client and meanwhile uses AES256 Encryption for all data that is processed and stored in its system. Also, It has their own Canadian Privacy Policy, which you may be familiar with before using their Video Guides.


How to use ?

As soon as you decided what type of application or document you would like to apply in future , you have to go to and choose country, which is available on the platform and check the topics, which are presented for particular country. As soon as you will find Education Video Guides, which you are interested in and prefer to get guidance for your future application through official immigration website, get access for the video guide for the time, that you prefer. After you process the payment, you will get receipt, client account and access to Video Guides of particular country. Also, in your account you will see the expiration date of your access to chosen Education Video Guide. Be aware that fees are non-refundable as soon as client got access to Video Guide. When you have access to the video guide, you can choose any topics and watch the proper explanation and guidance how to process particular application, get proper information( in case of paper application) or how to use some tools using official immigration website of particular country.



In case, if you still need personal assistance in Immigration Applications after watching Education Immigration Video Guides on, please contact us.


Immigration Video Tutorial