Quebec Provincial Program

Quebec Provincial Program

Quebec Provincial Program
Quebec Provincial Program

Quebec Provincial Program

When it comes to immigration, the province of Quebec stands separate from all the other provinces in Canada, so there is no Quebec Provincial Nominee Program per se. It has its own rules, French is its dominant language, and if you want to live in Quebec, you must forget all you know about Express Entry and other popular immigration programs.

So how can you move to the province? One thing Quebec Provincial Program has in common with other provincially governed programs is that you must be able to demonstrate that you will stay in the province once you get your permanent residence. Aside from that, if you are an economic migrant, which means you’re not a refugee or being sponsored by a family member, you can immigrate as a permanent worker, a business person, or an investor under one of Quebec immigration programs.

Québec experience program

The simplest provincial nominee program in Quebec is the (Québec experience program) Programme de l'expérience québécoise, which aims at those who are already in Quebec. It has 2 sub-categories, based on whether you are a graduate from a Quebec institution, or a foreign worker.

PEQ – Québec graduate

The graduate category requires high level of French, and a full-time degree, such as a bachelor’s, master’s doctorate, a technical college diploma, a diploma of vocational studies of no less than 1800 hours. The latter can lead to a particular trade. Two diplomas cannot be used if you don’t have enough hours, or you did not live in the province for half of your studies.

Your knowledge of French must correspond to level B2, and you can review the provincial website on how to evaluate your French.

There is also a 36-month cap on when you had to obtain the diploma, so make sure you don’t lose time. You must pay $812 in processing fees if you’re a single applicant, and an additional $174 if you have a spouse or a child, and a complete application will be processed within 20 business days. This is by far one of the quickest immigration programs, so don’t hesitate to apply if you are interested in living in Quebec, and meet all the requirements.

Quebec Provincial Program
Quebec Provincial Program

PEQ – Skilled temporary foreign worker

If you are in Quebec for work or if you started working and missed the 36-month deadline to apply after graduation, you can apply for permanent residence as a foreign worker under the quebec provincial program - skilled worker category. However, you must also meet certain requirement in terms of where you work and how well you speak French.

In order to apply under Quebec provincial immigration program as a professional you must be currently employed and have been working in Quebec for at least 12-24 months. Your job cannot be part-time, so make sure you work at least 30 hours a week. This is good news for all those who are in Canada under the international mobility programs such as

You have to be in Quebec legally, and you must commit that you will provide for yourself and your family if selected for permanent residence.

Another requirement is that you should obtain an attestation of learning about Quebec’s democratic values. It means you would have to complete an online assessment or participate in 24 hours of information sessions.

Your knowledge of oral French must be advanced, which means it should be equal to B2 level of linguistic competence. Check out the provincial website for the details and how to get accessed.

Finally, if eligible, you must pay $812 in processing fees if you’re a single applicant, and an additional $174 if you have a spouse or a child, and a complete application will be processed by immigration Quebec within 20 business days, which is encouraging in case you missed your opportunity to apply as a graduate and thought you would have to endure long waiting times.

Finally, if you have significant net worth of over $2,000,000 CAD and are ready to invest, you can apply to immigrate under the Quebec Investor Program. Have a look on our website to find out a detailed overview of immigrating through investment and what selection criteria you need to meet. In short, you would have to have:

  • 2 years of work experience managing a business within the past 5 years;
  • a commitment to invest $1,200,000 over 5 years interest-free;
  • obtain an attestation of learning about Quebec’s democratic values;
  • pay $15,763 in application fees, and

wait until the applications open, since the program is currently closed.

However, you don’t have to wait around until Quebec changes its mind and decided to welcome foreign investors. Book a consultation with out team of registered Canadian immigration consultants and education specialists to evaluate your options and help you get started on your integration process. Even if you only speak French, you may be eligible to immigrate to other provinces, so don’t leave your future up to chance, and don’t be afraid to consider all possible options for your permanent residency in Canada.


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