Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution

Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution

Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution
Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution

Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Designated Learning Institution

Many international students all over the globe dream to receive a letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution since it gives them a chance to get high-quality education in the chosen school in Canada. It is very important, as prospective students can not apply for the Canadian study permit without the submission of their letter of acceptance. It is also worth mentioning, they can only apply to the Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs) and have to wait for the decisions of the schools. If the school accepts the admission of the student, then he or she obtains the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution.

Let’s take a detailed look at the procedure. After you receive a letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution, your next step is to submit the application for your study permit. This process is both very important and complicated and thus requires a lot of time and preparation. Moreover, the prospective international students have to be sure that the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution has all the required elements for a study permit application. It is better to check information twice to be sure that you are eligible to apply for a study permit in Canada.

The letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution has to contain the following information:

  1. The full name, date of birth, and address of the future international student. Besides, you have to check the spelling of your full name to avoid any divergencies in the documents.
  2. The ID number of the student, if it is relevant for the application.
  3. The full official name of the Designated Learning Institution and the full name of the official contact person.
  4. The type of the Designated Learning Institution. It can be a post-secondary college, a technical college, or community college to name a few.
  5. The contact information of the institution and its DLI number.
  6. The licensing information, if the school is a private Designated Learning Institution. As a rule, this information is stated on the letterhead.
  7. The study program, level, and the academic year of acceptance of the future international student.
  8. The start date of the study program and its estimated length. You should remember, that the estimated length of the program can be also replaced by the estimated date of its completion.
  9. The deadline of the international student’s registration for the chosen study program in Canada.
  10. The information whether this study program requires full-time or part-time participation of the international student.
  11. The estimated tuition payments for the first year of study at the Designated Learning Institution. Also, it should contain information about the scholarship or other financial aid, if it is relevant for the student. 
  12. The details of the obligatory internship or place of work while studying in Canada. This information should only be stated if the internship is required by the study program.
  13. The expiration date of the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution. This information is mandatory since the processing of the study permit application can be completed after the expiry date. Then Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees Canada (IRCC) can require submission of an extension letter from the institution to support the study permit application of the prospective international student.
  14. Conditions of acceptance to the Designated Learning Institution. If this information is relevant for the student, it can include previous qualification, the completion of the prerequisite course(s), or proof of language knowledge and other required documents.
  15. If the Designated Learning Institution is situated in the province of Quebec, the letter of acceptance has to clearly state the requirement of a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ). 

Remember, that it is your responsibility to check this information in the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution since it increases your chances to obtain the study permit. Furthermore, you can check all the necessary information on the website of Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees Canada because this department always provides a template for the letter of acceptance and guidelines on how to complete the required information for international students from all over the world.

Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution
Letter of Acceptance of Canadian Institution

Please, be aware of the fact that the letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution does not guarantee that your application for the study permit in Canada will be approved. Only IRCC can decide whether to approve or not your application for a Canadian study permit. Nevertheless, there is an exception to every rule. You have to remember that prospective international students can be exempt from obtaining the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution in two cases. The first case is when a foreigner gets a written approval for a temporary employment or study permit before coming to Canada, then his or her family members can apply for a study permit without a letter of acceptance from the DLI. And the second case is when prospective international students want to pursue a study program that lasts no more than six months. Those students do not need to get a letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution since they do not have to apply for a study permit in Canada.

Another important thing to remember is that international students can apply for a study program that is offered by more than one institution, all of which are the Designated Learning Institutions. This case should be clearly stated in the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution. It is worth mentioning, that the students have to submit a letter of acceptance from the DLI that issues the certificate, diploma, or degree. In the case when the certificate, diploma, or degree is issued jointly by more than one DLI, the letter of acceptance has to be issued by the institution where the student begins the study program.

Keep in mind, that the letter of acceptance of the Canadian Designated Learning Institution has to include the full name, type, and location of the other institution(s) and the course(s) which the prospective student intends to attend too. If the student has to spend the semester(s) at a different institution in Canada, this information should also be stated in the letter of acceptance. When the international student obtains the Canadian study permit, the DLI can be specified as such that issued the letter of acceptance. As a rule, other institutions are listed in the section Remarks of the study permit.

Also, it should be mentioned, that the prospective international student can get a letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution, where it is stated that the student can enroll in a study program if he or she completes a prerequisite course or study program. For instance, the international student may have to complete French as a Second Language (FRSL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) course to pursue the more advanced study program. In this case, a study permit is valid only during the period of the prerequisite program. Therefore, the international student has to apply for another study permit for the next study program after the fulfillment of all conditions listed in the letter of acceptance.

The last point the international students have to know is that they do not have to submit the second letter of acceptance from the Canadian Designated Learning Institution if they only have to renew their study permit in Canada. Nevertheless, the immigration officer can request official proof that the international student has fulfilled the requirements of the original study permit to renew his or her study permit. in this case, the student can submit a letter from the institution that clarifies he or she has met all requirements and can enroll in the more advanced study program in Canada.

If you need help with obtaining Letter of Acceptance from Canadian school, please contact us or fill in the below application.

Main Admission Application

Where do you live now.

Must be available in whatsapp, wechat, viber, etc.
Education Background

Business, IT, Education, Engineering, etc.

Documents Uploading Section

Only Full Documents and Application will be assessed by admission team.

Must be valid at least 1 year and in PDF format

Must be in PDF Format and in both languages(Native and English)

Unless you prefer to study Language in future country before the college or university.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 46