IRCC Web form

IRCC Web form
IRCC Web form

IRCC Web form.Dear reader, thank you for visiting our immigration blog! Here our immigration consultants share their professional knowledge and expertise, and we hope that provided information will be useful for you as well.

Today we will tell you about the IRCC Web form and how you can use this online tool to get in contact with the Immigration and Citizenship Canada.

OK, so let’s say you have submitted your online (or paper) application to IRCC for a Study Permit or any other temporary or permanent immigration application. You have paid all the fees and have received the case number and UCI number. Now you cannot update your profile any more, or replace the documents or forms using your CIC online account. But what if it is absolutely necessary to update the Immigration Canada or give more information about your application? - For such cases exists this solution called IRCC Web form:

You may use this tool to:

  • ask about an application that has taken longer than the normal processing times
  • update or give more information about an application
  • change my contact information
  • report a technical problem

IRCC Web form
IRCC Web form

Let’s review how to use the IRCC Web form with the following example: you have applied online for your Study Permit application, and then realized that your passport is about to expire very soon. You need to provide an IRCC with a new updated passport copy.

Once you are at the IRCC page, choose Student, then application made OUTSIDE Canada (if you applied outside). Then select your visa office, processing your application (for example, for Iran the visa processing office is in Turkey, Ankara). Then go to Webform itself.

When you use this form you should read carefully all the instructions and follow it, and not missing any information that is requested.

In order to submit a case-specific information, you need to provide your Client ID number (or UCI number) and case (application) number. You can find your UCI number and your application number inside your online profile. 

“Your Enquiry” section is very important. You need to write here what kind of information you are providing and why. Try not to write much, and everything should be up to the point. For our example you can write something like this:

 “Please accept the attached new passport copy for Surname, Name. I have applied to study in Canada, and my admission is up to October of 2020. My old passport is valid only till March of 2020. I have renewed my passport and kindly ask you to replace my old passport copy with a new updated”.

Then you upload your passport copy (or any other case-related document). Be aware that:

  • Files must be 2 MB or smaller. If you include multiple files, the total size must be 3.5 MB or smaller.
  • IRCC only accepts files in PDF, JPEG, TIFF, DOC, or DOCX formats.



After your enquiry will be send to the visa office processing your application, you should receive a reply within 28 working days. Usually it comes as an email.



International Experience Club (IRCC Web form)

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IRCC Web form:Immigration Application

Same as in Passport

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With country code and available in whatsapp, wechat, viber, etc.

Choose the service you might be eligible or interested in.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 73

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