Global Talent Stream Canada

Global Talent Stream Canada

Global Talent Stream Canada
Global Talent Stream Canada

Global Talent Stream Canada

Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world while possessing a vast territory and beautiful nature. A high standard of living and security, a favourable climate - all this makes Canada very attractive for immigration. Many individuals nowadays want to go to Canada and work there since it offers them significant advantages in their life. To do so, employees from other countries must first acquire an authorized job offer from a Canadian company. A job offer might be long-term or short-term. Before applying for a Work Visa Canada under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, you must first get it. A work visa is a sort of temporary visa that allows you to work in Canada. It is provided to foreigners by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada program (TFW). The Temporary Foreign Worker Program permits Canadian companies to recruit foreigners on a temporary basis to fill labor shortages. The TFWP consists of the following subgroups of foreign workers in Canada: highly skilled workers, low-skilled workers, a seasonal farm workers program and a live-in caregiver program. This article is going to discuss and provide details on the Global Talent Stream option. 

The Global Talent Stream in Canada(GTS) is a Temporary Foreign Worker Program stream that is designed to bring in-demand highly qualified foreign talent to innovative firms in Canada. Immigration and Citizenship Canada has created this program, which allows Canadian employers to hire foreign highly qualified professionals in a simplified bureaucratic regime. 

The Global Talent Stream in Canada does not allow international workers to apply directly. A Canadian employer files an application on his own, detailing the qualifications of a foreign specialist he wishes to hire. This implies that you must first acquire a job offer from a Canadian company who is qualified for the program before applying for a work visa through the Global Talent Stream (GTS). Employers' applications are usually processed within 10 business days. If the application is approved, the employer will receive a positive labour market impact assessment (LMIA), which allows the foreign worker to apply for a work permit. Global Talent Stream work permit applications are also eligible for expedited processing (10 business days on average). Spouses or partners and children of foreign specialists are also eligible for a 2-week application processing. This applies to applications for visitor visas, work and study permits. Family members of foreign professionals must apply at the same time as the main foreign professional application.A Canadian business can apply for the Global Talent Stream through one of two categories.


Global Talent Stream Canada
Global Talent Stream Canada

Global Talent Stream Canada: Category A

Category A is for employers who are referred by GTS Designated Partners and who wish to hire unique and specialized foreign specialists. A designated referral partner must verify that a firm satisfies the following eligibility requirements at the time of each referral to ESDC in order for it to be eligible for Category A: The hiring company must be based in Canada, must have a strong focus on innovation, and be willing and capable of expanding or scaling up, be looking to fill a unique and specialized job in the firm, and identify a competent foreign worker for that role.

To be considered unique and specialized, the recruited foreign professional must be offered a salary of at least CAD 80,000 per year, or CAD 38.46 per hour (or higher if the prevailing annual salary for the profession is above this level). The professional must also demonstrate advanced industry knowledge and have an advanced degree in a specialized field, or have at least five years of experience in a specialized field.

 Overall, an enterprise that is eligible to be referred to Category A should also be looking to fill a small number of unique and skilled positions (for example, 1 or 2 per year), based on the fact that there are few specialized individuals with the unique skill-set required for the positions being demanded under Category A of the Global Talent Stream.

ESDC may accept more than 2 referrals for an innovative firm to Category A each calendar year (resetting on January 1) in extraordinary circumstances, providing the company has met its Labour Market Benefits Plan requirements to date under the Global Talent Stream. Referrals may be approved in the given situations:

  1. The designated referral partner has restated to ESDC that the company meets the eligibility criteria for Category A and has also provided its assessment of the additional unique and specialized position being requested for each additional position requested by the innovative company to Category A.
  2. The wage per annum for the extra employment sought by the company under Category A is at least $72.11 per hour ($150,000 annual base salary), or the prevailing wage for that occupation if it is higher. Employers must provide at least the equivalent of both the hourly pay rate and the yearly base salary. For new employment sought under Category A, there is no flexibility in how the salary requirement is applied.


Employers from Quebec are encouraged to check the website of Quebec's ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration (MIFI) for other authorized referral partners for the Global Talent Stream (French only).


Global Talent Stream Canada: Category B
Global Talent Stream Canada: Category B

Global Talent Stream Canada: Category B

Employers wishing to recruit employees in specific NOC occupations are categorized as Category B. These occupations are listed on the Global Talent Occupations List and may be updated periodically to meet the needs of the labour market. To be eligible for Category B, companies in Canada must recruit highly qualified foreign workers for jobs on the ESDC's Global Talent Occupations List that have been identified as in-demand and for which domestic labour supply is inadequate. Also, please note that employers must offer the hourly wage rate at a minimum in occupations with wage floors. 

Some positions from the list may require relatable experience to be eligible for Category B. For instance, producers and project managers will have to obtain a minimum of 3 years of experience in creative industries (video games, animation or visual effects) in related positions (creative director, project manager, artistic director, etc.). Besides, an applicant must have work experience with the relevant skills for those industries. 


Employers must collaborate with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to create a Labour Market Benefits Plan that indicates their commitment to actions that will have long-term beneficial effects on the Canadian labour market. A Labour Market Benefits Plan will assist the company and the government of Canada in identifying and tracking total job creation, skills and training initiatives that will benefit the Canadian economy by employing highly trained global workers. A Labour Market Benefits Plan's obligations will be split into required and supplementary benefits. 

If a business is suggested by one of the Global Talent Stream's approved partners and is looking to employ unique and specialized talent (Category A), it must make a commitment to creating jobs for Canadians and permanent residents as a condition of doing so. In case, a Canadian business wants to hire highly qualified foreign employees for positions on the Global Talent Occupations List (Category B), he or she must commit to increasing skills and knowledge investments for Canadians and permanent residents as a condition of hiring.

In addition to the application required benefit for Category A or B in the Labour Market Benefits Plan, the employer must additionally commit to attaining a minimum of two supplementary benefits in the Plan, each with at least one activity. An employer's supplementary benefits in their plan cannot be the same as the obligatory benefit.

Job creation, investment in skills and training, knowledge transfer to Canadians and permanent residents, improved corporate performance, and following best practices or rules as an employer for the staff are examples of complementary advantages. If an employer currently has an authorized Labour Market Benefits Plan and is applying to the Global Talent Stream for more positions, they will not be required to submit a new Labour Market Benefits Plan; however, modifications or additions to their existing Plan may be necessary.

To cover the expense of processing an application, a company must pay $1,000 for each post sought through the Global Talent Stream. If the application is withdrawn at the request of an employer, cancelled, or receives a negative evaluation, the processing cost will not be reimbursed. Only if a charge was collected by mistake a refund would be provided. It cannot be paid by temporary foreign employees, nor can it be collected from them. When using the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to hire a temporary foreign worker, a business may opt to have a third-party representative operate on their behalf. To act on behalf of an employer or to consult in the application process, a paid representative must be allowed to collect a fee or receive any other form of remuneration. An unpaid representative can also help a candidate, but they are not allowed to charge a fee or accept any other form of payment in exchange for their services.

Employers, who recruit temporary foreign employees under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program must only assign them tasks that are related to the occupation for which they were employed. All employees in Canada, including temporary foreign workers, are protected by Canadian law. The exploitation of temporary foreign employees is illegal in Canada and a violation of human rights.


In case, if you need help with Global Talent Stream Canada Program or would like to hire international worker, please contact us directly or fill in application below.


Immigration Application

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