Conjugal Partner Sponsorship

Conjugal Partner Sponsorship

Conjugal Partner Sponsorship
Conjugal Partner Sponsorship

Conjugal Partner Sponsorship : Client reference

It was great finding for me to find such a reliable, open minded and easy going immigration company in Canada. Most Immigration companies service their own target audience , which is consist of people from their home country or close to their native region. However, International Experience Club, Immigration & Education Company in Canada has understanding and experience work mostly with all nationalities and groups of people. My name is Marcus and originally I am from France and got my Citizenship 20 years ago in Canada. I would like to share my Conjugal Partner Sponsorship immigration experience in order to help all other people with close or same situation to make their life happier and with more sense. One day I travelled to Mexico for Vacation for 2 weeks and met some guy. His name was Axel and originally from Guyana. We stayed in the same hotel and met each other during attending one swimming pool party , close to the beach. I noticed that we had a lot of mutual things to discuss and figured out that he is very interesting guy. After couple of days, we started our relations and had a great vacation for the rest of our stay in Mexico. We enjoyed sunny weather, kind people and our mutual time spending on that vacation period. As soon as we had to come back to our home countries, we decided to try to have distance relations, means he will be in Guyana and I will be in Canada. Thanks to current Information Technologies , mobile applications and devices it is not a problem. Right after each of us came home after vacation, we started text messages to each other, schedule daily and weekly calls with each other and even introduce our relations to our friends and relatives. We tried to discuss all our daily news, career achievements, life events, etc. I also tried to support him financially and send home some gifts and even support him financially in hard time, when he temporarily had no job in his country. After 11 month of such relations, I started thinking about how to try to bring my partner in Canada in order to start live together. I saw in Instagram some ad of International Experience Club and tried to Call them and explain my situation. The staff was very friendly and nice with me and advise to apply for visitor visa for my partner on his behalf. I was happy to have such potential opportunity to see my partner in Canada and start live together finally. I decided to use the services of International Experience Club and retained their immigration professional. All documents were prepared very fast and application was submitted on time. However, it was rejected as Canadian Embassy did not see the ties to home country of my partner and financial strength in application. It has to be mentioned , that Immigration consultant told me before that application is not really strong and it might be rejection as nobody can guarantee the result, regarding Immigration Service.


Conjugal Partner Sponsorship
Conjugal Partner Sponsorship

Conjugal Partner Sponsorship : Application Approved

After such experience I had not really good mood and news for my partner, as he had a dream to come to Canada and start our life together. Meanwhile, after 2 days from the application result, International Experience Club called me and asked to come to the office. Trying to help even after they did their service, they introduced me, not widely known for some reasons, immigration program, which is called Conjugal Partner Sponsorship. Conjugal Partner Sponsorship is the official Canada Immigration program for people, who have conjugal relations. Looking forward your questions, what does mean conjugal relations, it is relations which describe the situation , when one foreign national can not come to 2nd partner , who are inside Canada and vice versa. When Canadian person can not come to his partner’s home country, because same sex relations and marriage ceremonies are not officially recognized or even punished in that country. As soon as Canada is one of the most democratic and flexible countries in most spheres of human rights and personal life, Canadian Immigration government created the conjugal partner sponsorship immigration program. As I and my partner understood later, one of the main requirements for that program were to show absence of opportunity to live together in Canada and his country and have 1 year relations. Our Immigration helpers offered to assist us with conjugal partner sponsorship application and gather all documents and submit the final application. It is interesting to know, that previous visa application refusal was also one of the most key document and proof of conjugal relations together with official government statements from Guyana about illegal same sex marriages in our conjugal partner sponsorship application. It was not easy and fast process and it took for us around 1 year to wait the result. One morning, I got up from the phone call from Immigration Consultant from international Experience Club and got a brilliant news, which made my day: “: Good Morning, Marcus, We have good news for you, your conjugal partner sponsorship application was approved. Congratulations and thank you for using IEC services”.  It has to be said, that this company always stays professional and know what it is  doing. I called immediately Axel though Video whatsapp call and shared with him good news. After 2 month, he came to Canada and we started to live together and enjoy our life in a free and fair country. Sharing this life experience and happy end story, I would like to with people always try to achieve what they want and also recommend the best company that I saw, regarding Immigration help to people, who really need not only paper documents assistance, however also mental support in tough life situation. Thank you for your permanent help, international Experience Club and wish you more people to get positive experience with you not only with conjugal partner sponsorship immigration program, however with most services that you do. Good Luck!


International Experience Club is a licensed Canadian Immigration Company, which assists people with their immigration needs and queries since 2006. Please take a look mandatory information and requirements for Conjugal Partner Sponsorship Immigration program and identify properly Conjugal Partner Sponsorship Relations:

Conjugal Relations- relations between Canadian Citizen and foreign national, who are interdependent to each by other by financial, emotional, social or physical criteria. Such relations suppose to have serious commitment to each other and shared responsibilities during the relations. It has to be mentioned, that Conjugal Relations are not always same sex relations, however it should be trustworthy relations with some components, such as: shared shelter, sexual and personal behaviour, social activities and personal support, social perceptions,  children, etc.


As for the main 3 criteria for Conjugal partner Sponsorship:

  1. To show, proof and demonstrate relations for at least 1 year
  2. Have interdependent mutual relationship on a permanent basis and intention to continue such relations in future
  3. Have proof of not having options to live together in foreign national's home country and Canada as well



International Experience Club ( Conjugal Partner Sponsorship).

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