Canada College

Canada College

Canada College
Canada College

Canada College 

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Foundation Year: 1976

Type: Private 

Tuition Fees: 10,000 CAD per program

 College is a private educational institution that was founded in 1976 in Montreal, Quebec. Since then, the college focuses its attention on the development of the best language and technical education programs. Being popular among local and international students, Canada College combines constant curriculum modernization with high-quality academic traditions. Its location in the heart of Montreal offers students a lot of benefits: cultural events and festivals, excursions to museums, galleries and theatres, and many other options of the big city life. Today the number of Canada College attendees exceeds 1,250, they come from different countries of the world and create its unique and diverse academic atmosphere.

Canada College is proud to be accredited by the leading educational institutions like the Designated Learning Institution, Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, Emploi Québec, National Association of Career Colleges, ETS Testing, TESL Canada, IELTS – IELTS Official Test Centre and Official TEFaQ and TEF Test Center. Study languages are English and French. E-learning option is also available.

Canada College offers a wide range of College and Professional programs, together with Corporate Training options. College Programs include AEC Database Administration, AEC Business Administration, and Commerce, AEC Early Childhood Education programs that last 24 months. Students who choose Database Administration learn Web Development Techniques, Information Systems Analysis, Technical Support in Computer, Software Development. Business Administration and Commerce program covers the subjects of International Trade, Accounting, and Finance, E-Commerce, Marketing, Business Law, Transport Logistics, and specifically designed for the program courses - English I and II Business.

Early Childhood Education program at Canada College prepares learners for a wide range of career choices that demand knowledge of Human Growth and Development, Health, Safety and Nutrition, Creative Arts for Young Children. Most importantly, this program includes two internships in CPE or family child care. 

Canada College Professional Training programs are also very popular among students. Residential Real Estate Broker consists of two 15-week semesters during which learners are introduced to the courses on Fundamentals of Real Estate, Real Estate Brokerage Law, Presentation of Buildings, Purchase Offer, Construction Quality of a Building, Brokerage Contracts, and other useful skills. 

Office Automation Certificate program prepares students to work effectively with Windows, Microsoft Word, Exel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, Modern Office Equipment, Adobe Dreamweaver, Accounting and Bookkeeping, Computerized Accounting. Web Design and Development program at Canada College introduces students to HTML, CSS, SQL, Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Flash Professional.

School provides a wide range of Corporate Training courses on Automated Accounting (Bookkeeping, Accounting, Quickbooks) and Office Automation.

Canada College
Canada College

Thousands of students choose this College for the high-quality of its Language programs. A variety of courses include English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, Arabic, Persian, Cantonese, Korean and Japanese. English as Second Language courses at Canada College are recognized by Languages Canada. Full-time and part-time courses are available. Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking skills are taught on ten different levels that correspond to the individual needs of every student. The duration of each English level course is equal to 100 hours of study. English for Academic Purposes program is designed for those students, who plan to continue their future studies in post-secondary institutions.

IELTS Preparation at Canada College is focused on the unique methodology in IELTS test preparation. The International English Language Testing System IELTS is the most popular test in the world, its results are globally recognized and guarantee a wide range of career prospects. It is also acceptable for the application for Immigration Canada or Citizenship Canada. Students can pass paper-based or computer-delivered IELTS tests at Canada College.

TESOL Certificate program offered at Canada College is designed for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. A six-week period of instruction includes academic training and relevant professional and cultural experiences. Students explore different methodologies and the peculiarities of second language learning, plan lessons, and design activities. They also have an opportunity to get hands-on supervised experience in teaching. TESOL Diploma program, recognized by TESL Canada, is available for TESOL Certificate program graduates at Canada College. 

French Language programs include French as a Second Language, ten levels of French Progression are available, starting from Beginners to Advanced French and French Literature Studies. French B2 course is also available. TEFAQ Preparation course focuses on the successful completion of the TEFaQ/TEF exam. It is an obligatory test for those who plan to apply for CSQ or Permanent Residence or Citizenship. Teachers are well trained to develop students` skills necessary for this test. It is worth mentioning, that Canada College is proud of its 20 Test Centers that include IELTS Canada, TEF, TEF Canada, TEFAQ, TEF Naturalization, TEF Toronto, and others.

Tuition fees vary depending on a chosen program, the average tuition fee is 10,000 CAD. Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer intakes are available.


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